Continuous redundant Manipulator with one segment
Continuous Redundant Cable Robot
Extrinsic driven cable robot with continuous redundant actuation
End effector of continuous redundant manipulator
Arranges of 3 winch actuators for continuous redundant robot
This is prototype is the development of cable continuous redundant manipulator and its kinematic model analysis. The aim of this project is to determine the accuracy of the experimental prototype with the constant curvature kinematic model. The prototype robot is composed by 1 segments with 6 modules sections powered by 4 driven cables powered each one by a winch actuator.
The length of the segment can be modify allows to add and remove modular sections connected like serial chain. The robot manipulator can follow different trajectories and displacements in its workspace. The position uses a basic control implemented via Matlab and it is controlled by a joystick.
Countries & Year
Colombia - 2019
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez
Santiago Bernal Rojas
Maria Alexandra Cardenas Sanchez