These are robots that are fixed in position. They tend to have robot arms that can move about.
Primary uses in Industrial applications. R: revolute (rotary) joint, P: prismatic (sliding) joint.
Basic stationary types of robots
There are five main types of industrial robots: Cartesian, Articulate, SCARA, Cylindrical and Spherical. However, there are several types of robot´s configuration in open and close kinematic chains, like parallel robots.

Revolute parallel Lightweight-Robot - Delta
A delta robot is a type of revolute parallel robot. It consists of three arms connected to universal joints at the base.
The key design feature is the use of parallelograms in the arms, which maintains the orientation of the end effector.
Colombia - 2016

Spherical Parallel Lightweight-Robot
The spherical parallel manipulator consists of two bodies connected through three in-parallel legs such that any motion of the end-effector is always on a sphere.
The 3-RRR SPM has parallel singularities within its workspace.
Colombia - 2017

Prismatic Parallel Lightweight-Robot
The prismatic parallel manipulator consists of 3 linear actuators placed vertically in the fixed platform. It is also know Delta robot.
The result of it parallel manipulator has a wide range of motions capability.
Colombia - 2018

Spatial Parallel Lightweight-Robot
The spatial parallel manipulator consists of 3 linear actuators placed on each coordinate axis like a fixed platform.
The result of it parallel manipulator has a fast motion capability.
Colombia - 2019

Planar Parallel Lightweight-Robot
The planar parallel manipulator consists of 3 linear actuators and 3 rotary actuators connected with 6 arms to one fixed and one mobile platforms.
The result of this parallel manipulator are several constrains on its workspace.
Colombia - 2019

Parallel Stewart Lightweight-Robot
A Gough-Stewart platform is a type of parallel robot that has six prismatic actuators, attached in pairs to three fixed positions on the platforms.
Devices placed on the top platform can be moved in six degrees of freedom.
Colombia - 2018

Spherical Haptic Parallel Lightweight-Robot
The spherical haptic parallel manipulator consists of 3 rotary actuators with encoders connected by 6 angular link-bars from one fixed to one mobile platform.
The workspace result is external sphere motion, it could be used as 3D mice.
Colombia - 2019

Manipulator Robot
Virtual reality devices controlled robotics system.
Omniwheels Mobile platform with 6 DOF Manipulator Robot Arm.
Colombia - 2010