Robots able to perfom underwater and dry surfaces.
Primary uses in industrial applications.
Type of amphibios
The amphibious robots are moving by wheels, thrusters and/or undulation motion.

Underwater Remote Operated Vehicle
Affordable ROV robot with depth/buoyancy control for visual inspections within 5 m depth.
Remote Operation Vehicles (ROV) are mainly identified as an underwater robot.
Colombia - 2020

Underwater Lamprey like Robot
Snake like robot with Anguilliform locomotion for water environment inspection.
Assembly with 7 modules sections that move in a series of sinuous waves passing from head to tail.
Colombia - 2020

FPSO robot
Amphibious NDT Robot for Floating Production Oil Storage Tanks (FPSO).
Plate wave technique of none destructive testing.
England, Greece - 2007

Omniwheels underwater robot
Amphibious Wall Climbing Robot for NDT Inspection.
Underwater climbing robot with suction adhesion.
England - 2007

Suction Technique
Underwater Wall Climbing Robot with Propeller Adhesion.
Underwater Wall Climbing Robot for Nuclear Pressure Vessel Inspection.
England - 2006