
Santiago Nougues, Santiago Melo Guayacan, Daniela Garzón Cuadros, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Modelling and Design a Self-balancing Dual-wheeled Robot with PID Control; 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2023), Yeosu, Korea, 17th -20th October 2023; Pgs. 489-497; ISBN: 978-89-93215-26-7, ISSN: 2093-7121.
Santiago Melo Guayacan, Santiago Nougues, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Implementation of the Electronic and Communication System for a Snake-like Modular Robot; 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2023); 17th -20th October 2023, Yeosu, Korea; Pgs. 483-488; ISBN: 978-89-93215-26-7, ISSN: 2093-7121.
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Domestic Patent; Multi-adaptable modular set of elements to assemble a stationary robots prototype for robotics teaching; Rad: NC2022/0005204.
Valentina Osorio Peña, Laura Catalina Lopez Riaño, Julian Medina Alfonso and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Development of a Laparoscope Prototype Based on the Continuous Redundant Cable Robot Tested in a Simulated Abdominal Pelvic Cavity; The 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2022) BEXCO, Busan, Korea, Nov. 27~Dec. 01, 2022, pgs:292-299; ISBN: 978-89-93215-25-0.
Leverson Beltrán Castro, María Camila Parra Aldana, and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Bioelectronic transfemoral prosthesis to improve human gait by means of EMG and space-time physical variables; The 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2022) BEXCO, Busan, Korea, Nov. 27~Dec. 01, 2022, pgs:635-641; ISBN: 978-89-93215-25-0.
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez, Suk-Ho Park, Jong-Oh; Testing and Evaluation of Foldable Biopsy Tools for Active Capsule Endoscope; 20th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems; IEEE RAS; Oct. 13-16, 2020, Busan, Korea, ICROS; ISBN: 978-8993215205, DOI: 10.23919/ICCAS50221.2020.9268232
Leon-Rodriguez H., Moncada Y., Mosqueda S., Murrugarra C., Canu M; Kinematic Model Analysis and ROS Control of Cable Driven Continuous Robot Manipulator; Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences: Theory and Application. AETA 2019. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 685; Springer Nature Switzerland AG; 2021;
Daniel F. Murcia Rivera and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Path Tracking Control for Micro-Robots with Helmholtz-Maxwell Coils Actuation; 6th Workshop on Engineering Applications (WEA 2019), October 16-18th 2019; CCIS volume 1052; ISBN 978-3-030-31019-6, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.
Joseph Mauricio Gutierrez Valero and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Maze Solution Device with Stewart's Platform and OpenCV; 6th Workshop on Engineering Applications (WEA 2019), October 16-18th 2019; CCIS volume 1052; ISBN 978-3-030-31019-6, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.
Julian Camilo Ocampo Nieto, Daniel Felipe Alvarado Russi and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Developed of a Cartesian CNC System for Plasma Metal Sheet Cutting; V Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias en Ingeniería CONIITI 2019, 2-4th October 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-4746-8.; Bogota, Colombia.
María Camila Parra Aldana, Leverson Beltrán Castro and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Eyes and Neck Kinematic Model Analysis with Limited Human Gestures; V Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias en Ingeniería CONIITI 2019, 2-4th October 2019; ISBN 978-1-7281-4746-8.; Bogota, Colombia.
Hernando León Rodríguez, Santiago Noriega, Cecilia Murrugara, Michael Canu; Sistema Robótico Continuo Redundante; XXV Congreso Institucional de Investigaciones – Universidad El Bosque; AÑO 8, NO 10, Pgs: 45-46, 10 de Septiembre 2019; ISSN: 2322-9047; Bogota, Colombia.
Sistema Robótico Continuo Redundante; – Noticias Universidad El Bosque - XXV Congreso Institucional de Investigaciones; Septiembre 2019; Bogota, Colombia. Link
Hernando León Rodríguez, Daniel Murcia Rivera; Micro Robots Controlled by Electromagnetic Actuators in Medical Applications; Revista Colombiana de Tecnologías de Avanzada; Volumen 2, Número 32, Pgs: 34-46, ISSN: 1692-7257; 2018; Pamplona, Colombia.
Hernando León Rodríguez, Cecilia Murrugarra Q., Yefry Moncada Linares y Simón; Sistemas Robóticos Continuo-Redundantes; XXIV Congreso Institucional de Investigaciones – Universidad El Bosque; AÑO 7, N 9, Pg: 56, Septiembre 2018; ISSN: 2322-9047; Bogota, Colombia.
Juan Carlos Lizarazo, Carlos Castillo, Andrés Rubiano, Cecilia Murrugarra y Hernando León; Determinación del Registro Electroencefalográfico como Indicador de la Primera Etapa del Sueño en Seres Humanos; XXIV Congreso Institucional de Investigaciones – Universidad El Bosque; AÑO 7, N 9, Pg: 29, Septiembre 2018; ISSN: 2322-9047; Bogota, Colombia.
Mariana Torrente Rocha, Laura Jiménez Guzmán and Hernando León-Rodríguez; Rehabilitation Prototype to Improves Mobility of Acute Rotator Cuff Injury; 21st International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, © ELSEVIER; ISBN 978-1-916449-00-8 (eBook); Pgs.: 61-69; Panama City, Panama, 10-12 September 2018.
Daniel Armando Gómez, Javier Camilo Torres Vera and Hernando León-Rodríguez; Development the Electronic System of Continues Modular Snake-Like-Robot; 21st International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, © ELSEVIER; ISBN 978-1-916449-00-8 (eBook); Pgs.: 379-386; Panama City, Panama, 10-12 September 2018.
Maria Camila Rojas Suárez, Santiago Noriega Álvarez and Hernando León-Rodríguez; Bio-Inspired Quadruped Robot for Detection Carbon Dioxide in the Air; 21st International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, © ELSEVIER; ISBN 978-1-916449-00-8 (eBook); Pgs.: 387-394; Panama City, Panama, 10-12 September 2018.
S. Mosqueda, Y. Moncada, Cecilia Murrugarra, H. León-Rodriguez; Constant Curvature Kinematic Model Analysis and Experimental Validation for Tendon Driven Continuum Manipulators; In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2018) - Volume 2, pages 211-218, ISBN: 978-989-758-321-6; 28th – 31th July 2018; Oporto, Portugal.
Daniel Armando Gómez, Javier Camilo Torres Vera, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Progression of Electronic and Communication System for Motion Control of Modular Snake-like-Robot; In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2018) - Volume 2, pages 496-502; ISBN: 978-989-758-321-6; 28th – 31th July 2018; Oporto, Portugal.
Laura Jiménez Guzmán, Mariana Torrente Rocha, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Improving the Joint Mobility of Acute Rotator Cuff Injury by Portable Rehabilitation Device; In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2018) - Volume 2, pages 487-495; ISBN: 978-989-758-321-6; 28th – 31th July 2018; Oporto, Portugal.
Santiago Noriega Álvarez, María Camila Rojas, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Walking Robot Bio-inspired by Insect’s Locomotion for Carbon Dioxide Diagnostic Indexed in the Air; In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2018) - Volume 2, pages 480-486; ISBN: 978-989-758-321-6; 28th – 31th July 2018; Oporto, Portugal.
Sergio Medina-Papagayo, Byron Perez-Gutierrez, Lizeth Vega-Medina, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez, Norman Jaimes, Claudia Alarcon, Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo; Intraousseous Access Simulator; 25th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces; March 18th - 22nd, 2018; Reutlingen, Germany.
León-Rodríguez Hernando; Macro & Micro Robotics System for Medical Applications; Revista de Tecnologia, Journal of Technology; Volumen 16, numero 2, Julio-Diciembre, 2017, Pgs: 104-113; ISSN: 1692-1399; Bogota D.C., Colombia.
Javier Camilo Torres Vera, Daniel Armando Gómez, Hernando León-Rodríguez; Development of the electronic and communication system for control a modular snake-like-robot; Revista de Tecnologia, Journal of Technology; Volumen 16, numero 2, Julio-Diciembre, 2017, Pgs: 114-121; ISSN: 1692-1399; Bogota D.C., Colombia.
Santiago Noriega Álvarez, María Camila Rojas, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Design of a robotic device bio-inspired by a spider for the evaluation of the carbon dioxide indexed in the air; Revista de Tecnologia, Journal of Technology; Volumen 16, numero 2, Julio-Diciembre, 2017, Pgs: 69-77; ISSN: 1692-1399; Bogota D.C., Colombia.
Yefry Moncada Linares, Simón David Mosqueda Velásquez and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Prototype Proposal of a Redundant Continuum Robot for Diagnosis and Sampling of Biopsies; Congreso Internacional de las Tecnologías de la Información 2017; Noviembre 8,9,10, 2017; Bogota, Colombia.
Camila Jiménez Guzmán, Mariana Torrente Rocha and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de rehabilitación para mejorar la movilidad articular de lesión del manguito rotador; Congreso Internacional de las Tecnologías de la Información 2017; Noviembre 8,9,10, 2017; Bogota, Colombia.
Javier Torres Vera, Daniel Gómez Patiño and Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Tarjeta de Control y Comunicación Maestro-Esclavo vía CAN para Robot Serial; II International Research Workshop on Microwave and Terahertz Sensors and Applications; November 8-10th, 2017; El Bosque University;; Bogota, Colombia.
Santiago Noriega Álvarez, María Camila Rojas, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Design and development of a quadruped spider robot; II International Research Workshop on Microwave and Terahertz Sensors and Applications; November 8-10th, 2017; El Bosque University; Bogota, Colombia.
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez, Macro-Micro Medical Robots; Seminario Runibot, Robótica aplicada a la calidad de vida; Plenary speaker, 28th -30th August 2017; Bogota, Colombia.
Viet Ha Le, Zhen Jin, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez, Cheong Lee, Hyunchul Choi, Van Du Nguyen, Gwangjun Go, Seong-Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park, Sukho Park; Electromagnetic field intensity triggered micro-biopsy device for active locomotive capsule endoscope; Journal Elsevier-Mechatronics-36, 112-118, 09574158-2016.
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez, Viet Ha Le, Seong Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park, Sukho Park; Active capsule endoscope micro-robot with biopsy tools, 19th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 12-14 September 2016, London-UK.
Viet Ha Le, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez, Cheong Lee, Jin Zhen, Hyun Chul Choi, Gwangjun Ko, Van Du Nguyen, Seong Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park, and Sukho Park; Novel Active Locomotive Capsule Endoscope with Micro-Hydraulic Pump for Drug Delivery Function; Biorob-2016, 26-29 June 2016, Singapure.
Viet Ha Le, Hernando Leon Rodriguez, Cheong Lee, Gwangjun Go, Jin Zhen,Van Du Nguyen, Hyunchul Choi, Seong Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park, Sukho Park; A soft-magnet-based drug-delivery module for active locomotive intestinal capsule endoscopy using an electromagnetic actuation system; Journal Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2016, Vol. 243, 81–89,
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez, Viet Ha Le, Seong Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park and Sukho Park; Ferrofluid Soft-robot Bio-inspired by Amoeba Locomotion; 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Oct. 13-16, 2015 in BEXCO, Busan, Korea, Pgs 1833-1838, ISBN: 78-89-93215-09-0/15, ICROS.
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez, Sukho Park, Jong-Oh Park; Ferromagnetic Soft Robot Bio-Mimetically Inspired, 18th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 06-09 September, Zhejiang-China; ISBN: 97814725-23-1.
Viet Ha Le, Jin Zhen, Cheong Lee, Hernando Leon Rodriguez, Gwangjun Go, Seong Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park, Sukho Park; Active triggering biopsy device for magnetically driven capsule endoscope; The 4th International conference on biomedical engineering and biotechnology, ICBEB-, 18-21 August 2015, Shanghai, China.
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez, Micro-robots in MEMs Technology; Engineering in Medical Applications; Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Engineering in Medical Applications - WEMA, 5 June 2015.
Viet Ha Le, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez, G.J. Ko, S.Y. Ko, J.O.Park; Triggering Mechanism Using Micro Reed Switch for Biopsy Device of Active Capsule Endoscope: Korea Precision Engineering 2015; pg. 859, 13-15 May 2015, Jeju-Korea; ISBN: 2005-8446.
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Micro Robots for Medical Applications; Revista Med - Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Militar Central - Universidad Militar Nueva Granada; Jul. – Dic. 2015; pp: 27; Vol. 23 No. 2, Bogota, Colombia; ISBN: 0121-5256.
Viet Ha Le, Leon-Rodriguez Hernando, Cheong Lee, Hyunchul Choi, Zhen Jin, Kim Tien Nguyen, Gwangjun Go, Seong-Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park and Sukho Park; Shape memory alloy–based biopsy device for active locomotive intestinal capsule endoscope; Journal of Engineering in medicine, 2015, Vol. 229(3) 255–263, DOI: 10.1177/0954411915576946.
Alvaro Uribe, Byron Perez, Lizeth Vega, Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Domestic Patent; Anthropomorphic robot like humanoid for motion capture through electro-mechanical sensors of 16 DOF; Rad: 14-283140.
H. Leon-Rodriguez, Cheong Lee, Le Viet Ha, Seong Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park, Sukho Park; Conceptual Design of Micro-Hydraulics System for Active and Biopsy Capsule Endoscope Robot; 5th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), pages 1068-1072, August 12-15, 2014. São Paulo, Brazil, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3127-9/6/14 ©2014 IEEE.
Cheong Lee, Choi, Hyunchul, Gwangjun Go, H. Leon-Rodriguez, Semi Jeong, Kiduk Kwon, Seong Young Ko, Jong-Oh Park, Sukho Park; Helical Motion and 2D Locomotion of Magnetic Capsule Endoscope Using Precessional and Gradient Magnetic Field; 5th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), pgs 1073-1077, August 12-15, 2014. São Paulo, Brazil, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3127-9/6/14 ©2014 IEEE.
Alvaro Uribe, H. Leon Rodriguez, Byron Perez; Anthropomorphic Passive Mechanism for Performing Hand Exercises; Journal Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 196, 2014, Pages 446-448/ ISSN: 09269630, doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-375-9-446.
H. Leon-Rodriguez, Tariq Sattar, Jong-Oh Park; Wireless Climbing Robots for Industrial Inspection; 44th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2013 October 24-26, 2013/KINTEX, Seoul, Korea, ISBN: 97814799-1171-4.
C. Guerrero-Rincon, A. Uribe-Quevedo, H Leon-Rodriguez, Jong-Oh Park; Hand-based Tracking Animatronics Interaction; 44th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2013 October 24-26, 2013/KINTEX, Seoul, Korea, ISBN: 97814799-1171-4.
Alvaro Uribe, H. Leon Rodriguez, Byron Perez; Arm-like Mechanism User Interface for 3D Animation; 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, October 2013 20-23, ICCAS 2013, Gwangju, Korea, pages 1463-1467, ISBN: 978-89-9321-5, ICROS.
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Domestic Patent; Robotic wall climbing system for detection of weld failures, corrosion and thickness measurement by non-destructive test using ultrasound techniques; Rad: 13-206022.
Aaron Brakke, Oscar Herrera, Hernando Leon; Towards Digitally Enhanced Interaction with Architectural Representation; 11th EAEA Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication Conference in 2013, 25-28 September 2013, Milan - Italy, ISBN: 978-886-8121-36-5, Poster.
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Surface adaptation robot for defect detection by performing continuously an ultrasound wheel probe; 16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 14-17 July 2013, Sydney, Australia, pages 367-374 ISBN: 978-981-4525-52-7.
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez; Humanoid robot programming through face expressions; 16th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 14-17 July 2013, Sydney, Australia, pages 77-84 ISBN: 978-981-4525-52-7.
Alvaro Uribe, Edgar Diaz, H.Leon Rodriguez; Human Anthropomorphic Gripper as an Automation Tool; 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Oct. 17-21, 2012 in ICC, Jeju Island, Korea, Pages 739-744, ISBN: 978-89-93215-ISNN: 95560 ICROS.
H.Leon Rodriguez, Salman Hussain, T.P. Sattar; A Compact Wall-Climbing and Surface Adaptation Robot for Non-Destructive Testing; 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Oct. 17-21, 2012 in ICC, Jeju Island, Korea, Pages 404-409, ISBN: 978-89-93215-ISNN: 95560 ICROS.
Alvaro Uribe, Edgar Diaz, H. Leon-Rodriguez; Didactic Human Anthropomorphic Gripper for Automation Teaching; Adaptive Mobile Robotics: 15th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Baltimore, USA, 23-26 July, 2012; p655-662-ISBN:9814415944-9789814415941.
C. A. Cristancho, Angelica Florez C., H. Leon Rodriguez; Holonomic Platform and Six DOF Manipulator Robot Through Virtual Reality Devices; XI Latin American Robotics Competition & Colombian Conference on Automatic Control & II Industry Applications Society Colombian Workshop IEEE, 1-4 October 2011, Bogota, Colombia, ISBN:978-1-4577-1690-4.
H.L. Rodriguez, T.P. Sattar; Modular Disposal Teleoperated Robot; 14th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 06-08 September 2011, Paris, France, pp: 371-378, ISBN: 981437427, ISBN: 978-981 4374279.
Tejas Patel, Tariq Sattar, Hernando Leon Rodriguez; Leader/neighbour trajectory following by mobile robots; 14th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 06-08 September 2011, Paris, France, pp: 223-230, ISBN: 981437427, ISBN: 978-981 4374279.
Juanjun Lin, Gurvinder S. Virk, H. Leon Rodriguez; Human-like Walking Bipedal Robots; 46th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 05-08 September 2011, Soest, Germany, Poster, ISBN: 978-3-800-7340-23.
Sattar, T.P, Leon Rodriguez H.E., Salman, H.; Robotic Non Destructive Testing of Safety Critical Structures; 26th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, 26-28 July 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISSN: 1740-8865, pp:23-41.
H.L. Rodriguez, T.P. Sattar; Low Cost Design of an Explosive Bombs Deactivator Robot; 13th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 01-03 Sept. 2010, Nagoya, Japan, pp: 1217-1224, ISBN: 9814327972, ISBN: 978-9814327978.
T. P. Sattar, M. Lorbach, S. Hussain, H. L. Rodriguez; Pole-Placement Control of a Wall Climbing Vortex Machine; 13th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 01-03 Sept. 2010, Nagoya, Japan, pp: 1217-1224, ISBN: 9814327972, ISBN: 978-9814327978.
T.P. Sattar, H.E. León Rodríguez, Bridge, B; Climbing Ring Robot for Inspection of Offshore Wind Turbines; Industrial Robot: An International Journal - Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Vol:36, Issue:4, February 2009 – ISSN: 0143-991X pp: 326-330.
Bridge, B, H.E. León Rodríguez, S. Mondal, T.P. Sattar; Field Trials of a Cell of Climbing Cooperating Robots for Fast and Flexible Manufacturing of Large Scale Engineering Structures; 12th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 09-11 Sept. 2009, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 9814291269, 9789814291262, pp: 801-810.
Tariq Sattar, Tejas Patel, Hernando León Rodriguez; Distributed Mobile Robots; 12th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 09–11 Sept. 2009, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 9814291269, 9789814291262, pp: 106-114.
H.E. León Rodríguez, T.P. Sattar, Jianzhong Shang; Underwater Wall Climbing Robot for Nuclear Pressure Vessel Inspection; 11th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Advanced in Mobile Robotics, 08-10 Sept. 2008, Coimbra, Portugal, ISBN 13-978-981-283-576-5, ISBN 10-981-283-576-8 pp: 605-612.
T.P. Sattar, H.E. León Rodríguez, Jianzhong Shang; Amphibious Inspection Robot; 11th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Advanced in Mobile Robotics, 08-10 Sept. 2008, Coimbra, Portugal, ISBN 13-978-981-283-576-5, ISBN 10-981-283-576-8 pp: 613-620.
H.E. León Rodríguez, Bridge, B, T.P. Sattar; Climbing Ring Robot for Inspection of Offshore Wind Turbines; 11th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Advanced in Mobile Robotics, 08-10 Sept. 2008, Coimbra, Portugal, ISBN 13-978-981-283-576-5, ISBN 10-981-283-576-8 pp: 555-562.
Sattar T.P., León Rodríguez H.; Mobile Wall Climbing and Swimming Robots to Inspect Aircraft, Storage Tanks, Pressure Vessels and Large Infrastructure; 24th International Conference, CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future (CARS & FOF 2008), 29-31 July 2008, ISBN: 978-4-9904503-0-4 Koriyama, Japan.
León Rodríguez H., Sattar T.P; Development of Climbing Robots with Different Types of Adhesion; 24th International Conference, CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future (CARS & FOF 2008), 29-31 July 2008, ISBN: 978-4-9904503-0-4, Koriyama, Japan.
Hernando Efrain León Rodriguez; Automated NDT (Non Destructive Testing) for Storage Oil Tank and Nuclear Pressure Vessel; Ph.D. Thesis of London South Bank University, 2008.
Tariq P. Sattar, H.E. León Rodríguez; Mobile Wall Climbing and Swimming Robots to Inspect Aircraft, Storage Tanks, Pressure Vessels and Large Infrastructure; International Seminar of Mechatronics Robotics and Automation, 28-30 August 2008, La Salle University, Bogotá - Colombia.
H.E. León Rodríguez, Tariq P. Sattar; Development of Climbing Robots with Different Types of Adhesion; International Seminar of Mechatronics Robotics and Automation, 28-30 August 2008, La Salle University, Bogotá- Colombia.
Tariq P. Sattar, Hernando E. León R., Jianzhong Shang; Amphibious NDT Robots; Book Chapter 6: Climbing and Walking Robots Towards New Applications, Book edited by Houxiang Zhang, ISBN 978-390261316-5, pp.546, Itech, Vienna, Austria – October 2007.
H. E. León Rodríguez, T.P. Sattar, J. Shang, A.K. Bouloubasis, Y.P. Markopoulos; Wall Climbing and Pipe Crawler Robots for Nozzle Weld Inspection Inside Nuclear Pressure Vessels; 9th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 12-14 Sept. 2006, Brussels, Belgium, pp: 545-551.
T.P. Sattar, H.E. León Rodríguez, J. Shang, T. Gan, A. Lagonikas; Amphibious Robot for Weld Inspection Inside Floating Production Oil Storage Tanks; 9th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 12-14 Sept. 2006, Brussels, Belgium, pp: 533-540.
Jianzhong Shang, Tariq P. Sattar, Hernando E. León R; PDA Depth Control of a FPSO Swimming Robot; 9th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, 12-14 Sept. 2006, Brussels, Belgium, pp: 541-544.
Bridge, B, Sattar T.P., León Rodríguez H.; Climbing Robot Cell for Fast and Flexible Manufacture of Large Scale Structures; 22nd International Conference, CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future (CARS & FOF 2006), 19-22 July 2006, Ed. Narosa, Kuppam, India, ISBN 13:978-81-7319-792-5, ISBN 10:81-7319-792-X, pp: 584-597.
Sattar T.P., León Rodríguez H., Shang J., Bridge, B; Automated NDT of Floating Production Storage Offloading Tanks with a Swimming and Climbing Robot; 8th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, London, England, 2005, ISBN-10 3-540-26413-2, ISBN-13 978-3-540-26413-2, pp: 935-942.
León Rodríguez H; Powerline Communications; Advanced Technologies – Robotics – Artificial Intelligent and development of applicant technologies, Pamplona University - Colombia, 2003 ISBN:16927257, pp: 42-54. (Spanish)
Hernando Efrain León Rodriguez; Powerline Communications System; Posgraduate thesis. (Spanish)
Hernando León, Julián Dávila, Enrique Forero, Rodrigo Guarnizo; Design & Construction of Quadruple Locomotion Electro-Pneumatic Robot System Controlled by Fieldbus Technology (As-I); Posgraduate thesis. (Spanish)
Hernando Efrain León Rodriguez; Calculus, Design and Prototype of Micro Hydroelectric Power Generator of 3Kw; Undergraduate thesis. (Spanish)