Deactivator robot holding fake explosive
Deactivator robot
TeleOperate Explosive Bombs Deactivator Robot - Colciencias
Deactivator robot holding fake explosive
Deactivator robot holding fake explosive
The design is low cost construction, high manoeuvrability and strong capacity to defeat obstacles, stairs, etc. The robot system is composed of a mobile platform vehicle, articulated mechanical arms, a tele-operated control system, vision system and a wireless communications system.
The robot platform weights 15 kg and is a tele-operated mobile vehicle, which has 4 driver motors mounted in the main structure and provides the linear motion, rotation and climbing capability of the system. The platform vehicle uses a dual crawler differential drive; it has two main drive tracks, independently controlled to make vehicle movements. The electronic control cards, batteries and the Ethernet wireless converter are placed on-board with the advantage of increasing the mass and hence the vehicle´s grip to give it enough drive force and stability.
On top of the platform are placed, the main manipulator arm that handles the explosive devices and the camera arm that raises/lowers the vision system. These arms can be controlled by the operator independently. They provide a great deal of flexibility to reach a given point inside its workspace and to reach and collect any explosive object, unknown package or possible obstacles. Its weight is 4 kg including driven motors, in a fully extended position of the robot arm; it can reach 1 m length and about 1 kg on end effector.
Country & Year
Colombia - 2011
Hernando Leon-Rodriguez