Mobile caterpillar robot

Mobile platform with 2 rubber tracks in contact with the floor

The platform can turn over and be able to continue moving

Mobile caterpillar robot

Mobile caterpillar robot

Mobile caterpillar robot

The caterpillar platform is a remotely operated robotic system developed for urban search and rescue. It has two modular tracks to get a traction force and two extended arms which can be driven independently. The arms can rotated with respect to their arm axes to lift the body or step over larger obstacles.

The platform is also called crawler track tired that can be turn around and be able to continue moving. Its measures are 24cm long, 23cm wide and 10cm height. Inside its main body frame can carry a small controller and be configured with a number of sensors or be equipped with audio/video transmission.

Countries & Year

Colombia - 2020


Hernando Leon-Rodriguez

Main mobile platforms

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