Type of Projects

Micro-robots, Climbing robots, Wheeled robots, Legged robots, Amphibious robots, Stationary robots, Micro-Fluids and Automation projects.

Flapping-wing like bird robot

Flapping-wing robot simulating the locomotion of birds.
Ornithopter robot is an flapping wings mechanism biomimetically inspired.
Colombia - 2024

Arthopod like Robot

Walking robotics platform with 8 modular legs.
Octapod like robot with 24 servo-motors with 3 DOF on each leg.
Colombia - 2024

Mobile wheel-origami Robot

Mobile origami platform with modular wheels robot.
Platform with 4 active step-motors and 4 extended wheels.
Colombia - 2024

Underwater Anguille like Robot

Snake like robot with anguilliform 3D locomotion for underwater enviroment.
Anguille like robot is a modular joint mechanism biomimetically inspired.
Colombia - Switzerland - 2024

Salamander like robot platform

Quadruped robot controlled via IoT.
Salamander robot with 23 servo-actuators inspired from emperor newt.
Colombia - 2023

Mobile wheels-legged Robot

Mobile hybrid platform of quadruple wheel and legs robot.
Platform with 4 active dc motors and 8 servo motors.
Colombia - 2023

Humanoid like robot platform

Bipedal Robot controlled via IoT.
Humanoid robot with 5 DOF Legs and 3 DOF Arms.
Colombia - 2022

Walking Dog like Robot

Quadruped walking robot simulating dog locomotion.
Biomimetic inspired design with 12 degrees of freedom.
Colombia - 2022

Snake like robot

Biomimetic inspired snake like robot.
Modular design of 16 DOF robot.
Colombia, - 2021

Mobile Rocker-Bogie Robot

The rocker-bogie platform is the suspension arrangement developed by NASA's Mars.
The rocker-bogie design has no springs or stub axles for each wheel.
Colombia - 2021

Mobile Omni-crawler Robot

The omni-crawler platform is caterpillar robot able to move in any direction.
The crawler mechanism allows it to realize the required sideways motion.
Colombia - 2021

Mobile Scissors Robot

Mobile scissors platform is bogie quadruple wheel robot.
Platform with 4 active motors with passive hinge body connection.
Colombia - 2021

Mobile Instantaneous Robot

Mobile Instantaneous platform with redundant actuation using conventional wheels.
Non-holonomic omnidirectional mobile robot using conventional wheels.
Colombia - 2021

Mobile Ballwheel Robot

Mobile platform with 3 DOF and one ball in contact with the floor.
The agile platform with 3 motors and omniwheels can stand up on the ball acting as wheel.
Colombia - 2021

Underwater Remote Operated Vehicle

Affordable ROV robot with depth/buoyancy control for visual inspections within 5 m depth.
Remote Operation Vehicles (ROV) are mainly identified as an underwater robot.
Colombia - 2020

Electromagnetic actuator for micro-robots

Magnetic actuation is the based motion control for micro-robots.
The magnetic field excited a permanent magnet by six concentrator coils.
Colombia, 2020

Mobile Mecanum Robot

Mobile Mecanum robot platform is capable of moving in any direction.
This unique mobility of the robot is achieved by using special type of wheels, called Mecanum Wheels.
Colombia - 2020

Underwater Lamprey like Robot

Snake like robot with Anguilliform locomotion for water environment inspection.
Assembly with 7 modules sections that move in a series of sinuous waves passing from head to tail.
Colombia - 2020

Mobile Multiwheel Robot

Snake Like robot platform with active joints and wheels.
Biomimetic inspired design with high number of degrees of freedom.
Colombia - 2020

Mobile Segway Robot

Vertical control platform based in two active castor wheels.
Self-balancing platform with aligning wheels on the same axle.
Colombia - 2020

Mobile Caterpillar Robot

Mobile platform composed by two serial tracks like elongated wheels.
The tracked robot chassis also poses two extended arms for stairs climbing.
Colombia - 2020

Mobile Differential Robot

Mobile platform composed by two driven wheels and one orientable wheel.
This platform is also known Unicycle-type wheeled mobile robot.
Colombia - 2020

Mobile Omnidcwheel Robot

Holonomic platform driven by 3 DC motors.
Omnidirectional mobile robot using 3 active omniwheels.
Colombia - 2020

Continuous Redundant Robot with Winch Drivers

Cable manipulator driven by 4 winch actuators.
Compoused by 1 segments with 6 modular sections, these can be add and remove like serial chain.
Colombia - 2019

Spherical Haptic Parallel Lightweight-Robot

The spherical haptic parallel manipulator consists of 3 rotary actuators with encoders connected by 6 angular link-bars from one fixed to one mobile platform.
The workspace result is external sphere motion, it could be used as 3D mice.
Colombia - 2019

Planar Parallel Lightweight-Robot

The planar parallel manipulator consists of 3 linear actuators and 3 rotary actuators connected with 6 arms to one fixed and one mobile platforms.
The result of this parallel manipulator are several constrains on its workspace.
Colombia - 2019

Spatial Parallel Lightweight-Robot

The spatial parallel manipulator consists of 3 linear actuators placed on each coordinate axis like a fixed platform.
The result of it parallel manipulator has a fast motion capability.
Colombia - 2019

Prismatic Parallel Lightweight-Robot

The prismatic parallel manipulator consists of 3 linear actuators placed vertically in the fixed platform. It is also know Delta robot.
The result of it parallel manipulator has a wide range of motions capability.
Colombia - 2018

Parallel Stewart Lightweight-Robot

A Gough-Stewart platform is a type of parallel robot that has six prismatic actuators, attached in pairs to three fixed positions on the platforms.
Devices placed on the top platform can be moved in six degrees of freedom.
Colombia - 2018

Continuous Redundant Robot

Cable manipulator driven by 6 lineal actuators.
Compoused by 2 segments with 7 modular sections, these can be add and remove like serial chain.
Colombia - 2018

Mobile Omniservowheel Robot

Holonomic platform driven by 3 servo-motors.
Omnidirectional mobile robot using 3 motorized omniwheels.
Colombia - 2018

Electromagnetic actuator for micro-robots

Magnetic actuation is the based motion control for micro-robots.
The magnetic field excited a permanent magnet by Helmholtz and Maxwell circuits.
Colombia - Korea, 2017

Spherical Parallel Lightweight-Robot

The spherical parallel manipulator consists of two bodies connected through three in-parallel legs such that any motion of the end-effector is always on a sphere.
The 3-RRR SPM has parallel singularities within its workspace.
Colombia - 2017

Revolute parallel Lightweight-Robot - Delta

A delta robot is a type of revolute parallel robot. It consists of three arms connected to universal joints at the base.
The key design feature is the use of parallelograms in the arms, which maintains the orientation of the end effector.
Colombia - 2016

Micro-pump device

Peristaltic motion device.
Controllable pump for micro injections.
Korea - 2015

Caterpillar micro-robot

Needle walk micro-robot.
Powered by electromagnetic actuator.
Korea - 2015

Centipede micro-robot

Walking micro-robot.
Powered by electromagnetic actuator.
Korea - 2015

Lumbricus micro-robot

Friction motion micro-robot.
Powered by electromagnetic actuator.
Korea - 2015

Cockroach micro-robot

Wheeled micro-robot.
Powered by electromagnetic actuator.
Korea - 2015

Ferrofluid micro-robot

swiming soft micro-robot.
Powered by electromagnetic actuator.
Korea - 2015

Capsule micro-robot

Capsule endoscope device is used to record internal images of the gastrointestinal tract.
It contains a tiny camera and an array of LEDs powered by a batteries.
Korea - 2015

Motion Capture Robot

Humanoid robot for 3D capture animation motion.
Pasive motion robot with 16 DOF.
Colombia - 2013

Magnetic Technique

Wall Climbing Robot with Permanent Magnet Adhesion.
Wall-pipes cleaner robot for boiler industry aplications.
Colombia, Chile - 2012

Magnetic Technique

None Destructive Testing Robot for Continuous Thickness Inspection.
Wall climbing robot for steel surface adhesion.
Colombia - 2012

Hand like Robot

Human Hand like Robot for Automation Teaching.
14 DOF human anthropomorphic gripper as a didactic tool.
Colombia, - 2012

Exoskeleton Robot

Bipedal walking robot.
Exoskeleton Robot for Elderly and Disabled Persons.
Sweden - 2011

Tele-operated robot

Tele-operated Explosive Bombs Deactivator Robot.
Colombian Research Council - Colciencias.
Colombia - 2011

Manipulator Robot

Virtual reality devices controlled robotics system.
Omniwheels Mobile platform with 6 DOF Manipulator Robot Arm.
Colombia - 2010

windturbine scaner robot

Scanner of 5 DOF for X-ray Computed Tomography Inspection in Wind Turbines Blades.
Prototype of high energy micro-focus X-ray scanner system.
England, Wales - 2010

Humanoid Robot

Bipedal Robot controlled via wirelessly.
Humanoid robot with 3 DOF Legs and 4 DOF Arms.
Colombia - 2009

Stronger Robot

Wall Climbing Robot with Permanent Magnet Adhesion.
Climbing Cooperating Robots for Fast and Flexible Manufacturing of Large Scale Engineering Structures.
England, Frace, Italy, Greece - 2009

friction Technique

Climbing Ring Robot for Inspection of Offshore Wind Turbines.
1st place, Industrial Innovative Robot, highly commanded - Emerald.
England, Wales - 2008

Spider like robot

Six Legs robot with 18 DOF.
Bio-mimetically inspired spider like robot.
England, Colombia - 2008

FPSO robot

Amphibious NDT Robot for Floating Production Oil Storage Tanks (FPSO).
Plate wave technique of none destructive testing.
England, Greece - 2007

Bipedal robot

Walking with Robots.
Royal Academy of Engineering - London Engineering Project.
England - 2007

Omniwheels underwater robot

Amphibious Wall Climbing Robot for NDT Inspection.
Underwater climbing robot with suction adhesion.
England - 2007

Gripping Technique

Inward Pipeline Wheeled Scanning Robot.
Pipe climbing robot with friction adhesion.
England, Colombia - 2006

Vortex Technique

Wireless Wall Climbing Robot with propeller-Vacuum Adhesion.
Wall climbing robot for any surface adhesion.
England - 2006

Suction Technique

Underwater Wall Climbing Robot with Propeller Adhesion.
Underwater Wall Climbing Robot for Nuclear Pressure Vessel Inspection.
England - 2006

Magnetic Technique

Wall Climbing Robot with Permanent Magnet Adhesion.
Most Industrial Innovative Wall Climbing Robot - Emerald.
England - 2005

wall competition for climbing robots

Modular metalic wall for climbing robot competition.
Mock-up of magnetic wall for climbing robots.
England - 2005

Quadruped Robot

Quadruped walking robot.
Electro-Pneumatics Robot with Quadruped Locomotion Controlled via AS-i Fieldbus.
Colombia - 2000

Portable station generator of electrical power

Alternative electrical power generator for away house.
Hydroelectric power generator, cross flow technique.
Colombia - 1998

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